- To facilitate international cooperation in civil status matters by elaborating recommendations or draft conventions;
- To encourage the exchange of information between civil registrars, in particular by drafting a Practical Guide ;
- Monitoring the implementation of the Conventions by the States Parties;
- Coordinating its actions with international bodies operating in civil status matters;
- To keep updated legislative and case-law documentation setting out the law of the Member States in matters relating to the status and legal capacity of persons, the family and nationality.
Main Entities
Secretariat General – appointed by the Bureau, the Secretariat is the executive body of the Commission which keeps and updates the acts, registers, archives and the table of signatures and ratifications of ICCS conventions. One of its duties is to ensure the updating of legislative and case-law documentation setting out the law of the member States, in order to provide them with information and expertise.
President – elected by the Bureau from among its members, he represents the ICCS in its relations with the official authorities and chairs the meetings of the General Assembly and the Bureau.
Bureau – formed by the representatives of the member States, the Bureau appoints the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary General and, if necessary, the Deputy Secretary General of the ICCS.
It is responsible for implementing the decisions of the General Assembly, guiding the programme of activities, granting special status to subjects of international law and adopting the Commission’s budget.
The General Assembly is composed by the members of the National Sections and the representatives of international organisations, regional economic integration organisations and other international entities, and, where appropriate, experts, designated for this purpose by each of the members.
The duties assigned to it are the adoption of the texts of Conventions or Recommendations and the taking of decisions on the admission of a State, an international organisation, a regional economic integration organisation or another international entity to the ICCS.